Our investments in technology create an infrastructure that supports the client service in which we take pride, business continuity when the unexpected happens, and a path to continued growth.
Each of our offices has a full complement of contemporary information systems and office equipment – telephony, redundant Internet access, firewalled networks, copiers, printers, scanners, telecopiers, workstations and servers. Our accounting and bookkeeping application produces the formats and reports our clients demand, and is configured for high-availability.
We furnish secure cloud-based information solutions when needed, providing shared documents and databases with up-to-the-minute additions and revisions via the web.
A document and matter management application supports the organization, indexing and management of documents, in digital form, that are critical to the handling of our clients’ legal affairs and to the firm’s business operations. The application is integrated and places at our disposal a robust set of tools for handling all aspects of litigation - docketing and calendaring; compilation, categorization and coordination of information in any form, including e-mails, faxes, correspondence, pleadings, medical records, discovery documents, legal research and reports; and contact management - with portability and the ability to function even in a disaster response scenario. In the office or on the road, we are ready to serve your needs.
The firm’s communications and network infrastructure utilizes a fiber-optic service provider for data and voice pathways whose circuits are hurricane-tested. Equipment co-located in an out-of-state Tier IV data center furnishes attorneys, clients and staff with remote access to the firm’s network through secure, uninterrupted VPN tunnels and multiple Internet points of contact. Continuous data protection appliances store work product constantly, supplementing tape backup units and replication technology. Our attorneys and staff can work, even in the event of disaster, with maximum mobility and minimum response time.
Utilizing a converged solution, the firm has implemented both digital and VoIP telephony alternatives that allow us to stay in touch even if we are geographically dispersed or if offices become unavailable. New servers provide faster response times, and virtual servers enhance our high-availability goal. Every attorney has a laptop, and many use smartphones for email, calendaring and contacts. Digital dictation equipment facilitates rapid document preparation, and replication technology ensures that the firm’s resources are available wherever our attorneys and staff work.
Hailey McNamara’s vision is one of comprehensive service and virtual collaboration – to continue working for our clients and with each other, under the most trying of circumstances, even if separated geographically , and to be able to access and distribute information, communicate, report, author, research and share with clients, business partners, courts and colleagues whatever information is needed, wherever we are, and however we are challenged by the physical world.
Additional Resources
Metairie, Louisiana 70001
Telephone: (504) 836-6500