P. Kevin Colomb

Kevin Colomb’s practice focuses primarily in the areas of gaming, oil and gas, commercial litigation and general business law. In his gaming practice, Kevin represents clients on issues concerning licensing, transfers and acquisition of interests and administrative actions. His background in law enforcement as an Assistant United States Attorney combined with his experience dealing with administrative matters and procedures continues to prove a valuable resource in achieving desired results for his clients. In his oil and gas practice, Kevin represents clients in contractual preparation and interpretation, acquisition and divestment of mineral interests and title matters.

Prior to reentering private practice in 2009, Kevin established the Law Department of Harrah’s Entertainment, Inc. in New Orleans as Vice President and General Counsel of its Louisiana properties. In that capacity, he served as part of the management team that opened the land based casino in New Orleans in 1999. As General Counsel, his practice included all legal aspects of the gaming businesses (both casino and horse racing) including contract negotiation and preparation; the development and implementation of rules and policies concerning the applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations; and representation of Harrah’s Louisiana companies before the Louisiana Gaming Control Board and Louisiana State Racing Commission. Kevin also served as Harrah’s representative to the Louisiana Casino Association.

Prior to his association with Harrah’s, Kevin was an attorney for Amoco Production Company in its New Orleans Region Law Department.  While with Amoco, his practice included practically all aspects of the exploration and production of oil and gas including onshore and offshore title issues (State water and Outer Continental Shelf); the acquisition and divestment of producing properties; various bankruptcy and lien matters; environmental issues; state and federal royalty matters; and the drafting, review and analysis of various contracts and agreements concerning operations on the Outer Continental Shelf (Shelf and Deepwater Gulf of Mexico) and onshore Louisiana. He also served as Amoco’s representative on the American Petroleum Institute’s Subcommittee on Exploration and Production Law and represented the company on various occasions before the Minerals Management Service with regard to royalty determination, operational and regulatory issues and the issuance of incidents of non – compliance. Kevin had previously worked with Amoco as a landman while he attended law school. 


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